Drawing John Kerry
By Teresa Heinz

On Thursday, June 19th, 2003, Teresa Heinz gave a speech at the Association of Amercian Editorial Cartoonists' Annual Convention in Pittsburgh. She used an overhead projector to instruct members on how to draw her husband, Democratic presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry. Here is an excerpt from that portion of her speech.

Teresa: As editorial cartoonists, you feel that it is
your duty to tell politicians how to do their
jobs. So I thought I would take a moment to tell
YOU how to do YOUR jobs. Here are a couple of
things to remember when drawing my husband,
John Kerry.
Number 1: When you think of our next democratic president of the United States, remember, he doesn't have blonde hair.
Number 2: Although he does have an adorable button-nose and cute overbite, my husband should not be confused with Punxsutawney Phil.
Number 3: And yes, I love those hush puppy eyes, too, but he is NOT a basset hound.
Number 4: Please resist the temptation to use Heinz metaphors when drawing my husband. I know that there is a lot of ANTICIPATION about his campaign, but this is just silly...
Number 5: Instead, when you are drawing a caricature of John Kerry, think about his dignified stature, his noble chin, his focused gaze and his compassionate smile. In other words, draw him like this: